Faces of Shurmer Place Memory Assisted Living

We have a caring group of professionals that have dozens of years of combined experience caring for the elderly. It genuinely takes a special person to work with cognitively impaired residents. Our residents require patience, caring, and compassion. In addition, they also need to feel secure and loved. 

Shurmer Profile: Beth Seese, RN

Role: Director, Shurmer Place Memory Assisted Living

Years at Altenheim Senior Living: 12

Favorite time of day at Shurmer Place: My favorite time of day is the resident mealtimes. It is a time for friends to connect and share. It is a time of laughter and good company. 

Favorite activity at Shurmer Place: I don’t have just one favorite, there are many, but the activities I like to see the most are the ones’ that allow the residents to “feel” like there is a purpose to whatever they are doing. Such as, cooking, crafting, sewing, etc. 

Favorite Memory at Shurmer Place: Our first Christmas together! The residents decorating the trees, making bows, singing to the Christmas music and visiting with their families and friends. 

Something I wish people knew about Shurmer Place: Shurmer Place Memory Assisted Living is unique in that it is small and family oriented. The residents are provided a personalized quality of life experience, identifying where the resident is in their disease process and meeting them where they are today. Helping them to have a good day today.

When asked, all the caregivers choose their “one on one” time with the residents as their favorite time of the day. 

Whether it is in the morning with AM care, participating with the resident with an activity, or spending time with them at mealtimes. We all enjoy talking to the residents, getting to know them, and making their day meaningful. This is an important part of the learning process for many of the resident’s family.

Shurmer Profile: Barb Krakovsky

Role: Resident Care Coordinator at Shurmer Place Memory Assisted Living

Years at Altenheim Senior Living: 10

Favorite time of day at Shurmer Place: I love to visit with the residents in the morning while they are at breakfast. Their smiling faces greet me at the start of my day. It feels like being home talking to mom in the kitchen.

Favorite activity at Shurmer Place: A very special part of the day is when I hear the residents sing the old songs…never skipping a beat, smiling and full of joy and happiness, reliving those old memories.

Something I wish people knew about Shurmer Place: The residents at Shurmer have become family to me as well as to the entire team here. We are all a “family” in the way we care about the residents. We learn their stories, we hold their hands, we smile with them, and sometimes we even cry with them. Shurmer Place Memory Assisted Living is a happy and loving place. We truly love our residents and treat them as family. I am privileged to care for these residents and to work with such a compassionate and caring team. 

The caregivers at Shurmer Memory Assisted Living enjoy coordinating and hosting events and activities with our residents. Any day of the week, you might come in to find us singing, visiting with the therapy dog, doing yoga, and simply enjoying each other’s company. The caregivers always celebrate holidays and special occasions with our residents. We will dress up in silly outfits for Easter (Bunny ears) and Fourth of July (Sparkling necklaces, Red, While and Blue). The residents really look forward to those special days. 

Our staff of professional caregivers give more than care to our residents.

Shurmer Profile: Linda Begley

Role: Activity Director

Years at Altenheim Senior Living: 2

Favorite time of day at Shurmer Place: My favorite time of the day is when I have the chance to connect with an individual. All my residents are experiencing some form of dementia. This brings with it many challenges for them each day. As I get to know them each individually and their families, we become the story keepers. By knowing their life story, each person is treated with dignity and we as caretakers are able to reach them and make it a quality day. 

Favorite activity at Shurmer Place: Music!! If we could dance and sing all day what a great way to spend a day! Memories are talked about, movement is achieved, and emotions are happy! It’s amazing what the right song will do! 

Favorite Memory at Shurmer Place: Being able to be the caretakers for these lovely people as they experience this horrible disease. My name is not remembered but I know that each day, the staff brings joy and love to people experiencing a terrific loss.

Something I wish people knew about Shurmer Place: That we have a lot of fun together! The staff here really feels like a family and cares for the residents with kindness and compassion in their hearts!

A resident named Colletta said one day, “I wish I had a cross necklace to wear”, the next day a caregiver presented her with a beautiful cross, the resident never took it off. Caregivers will bring in sparkling nail polish to do manicures with the residents. We have the most beautiful nails here at Memory care. Another one of our caregivers brought in her 6 month old baby boy and the residents snuggled him and he made them smile from ear to ear. The residents had a pajama party in the evening, organized by our caregivers, they watched a movie in their pajamas and ate pizza and popcorn. 

It is these things and many others that set us apart from other memory care assisted living facilities. 

Shurmer Profile: Fillareta Qirjazi

Role: Social Media Specialist/ Office Manager at MAL

Years at Altenheim Senior Living: 7 years

Favorite time of day at Shurmer Place: Getting to welcome in family when they come to see their loved one. I feel a great sense of responsibility as being the first contact they have when they walk through the door. 

Favorite activity at Shurmer Place: It’s not just one activity, but all of the ones where we get to spend time outside. Something about a nice sunny day, with sunglasses and straw hats (yes our wonderful activity director provides both), laughing and reminiscing while enjoying some music and ice cream. Some of the simple times are the best, I see how happy our residents feel being surrounded by nature and music. 

Favorite Memory at Shurmer Place: Being at the front desk, I get to hear many great stories from our residents and families when they walk in the front door or waiting for a ride. I enjoy listening to what they have to say, looking through old pictures or even hear a potential family in need of advice for their loved one. 

Something I wish people knew about Shurmer Place: Through my time working the front desk, I have seen families come in from all backgrounds, but one thing they all want is somewhere that their loved one feels safe and cared for. Shurmer Place Memory Assisted Living for me is just that, I say that because of the people that work here. From the Director to the nurses, aids, activities, dietary, and housekeeping, we are all here as a family. You see, our residents are not just cared for, they are loved. To many, we aren’t just helping residents with dementia, they are helping us! They are our grandparents and friends away from home. 

The caregivers at Shurmer Place Memory Assisted Living are here because we love these residents. The rewards we receive from our daily interactions with the residents are priceless. When a resident says, “When will you be back, I will miss you”, “Good morning sweetheart”, and “I love you Honey”- it makes this more than a job. As the staff members have put it: “We are a huge family” – “We love our residents like they are a part of our families” – “We make memories each day” – “They make my heart melt…”

For all of us, it is truly a blessing to be caring for our wonderful residents while getting to work with such a caring group of caregivers.