Recovery Secrets: Thriving after a hip replacement surgery.

Recovering from a hip replacement surgery can be a rather daunting prospect. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be. In fact, with the right orthopedic rehabilitation from a skilled nursing team like the one we have in the Altenheim Therapy Rehabilitation community, it’s possible to get back on track quickly.

It all comes down to having a thorough understanding of your recovery needs as well as some basic do’s and don’ts after surgery. Last but certainly not least, it’s important to realize the important role diet and exercise play in your recovery.

Once you start to look at these things in an objective manner, it becomes easier to understand how your surgery – and recovery – will change your life for the better.

Understanding Your Recovery Needs

When it comes to orthopedic surgery, like a hip replacement, the most important thing to note is that everyone has their own recovery needs. It’s not advisable to compare yourself to someone else because their needs are likely not the same as yours.

You may have had a loved one recover from an orthopedic surgery weeks ahead of their doctor’s schedule, but that extremely speedy recovery might be due to factors that won’t exist for you. Even if you’re in excellent health, aside from your hip, you might not have the same recovery experience. Of course, your overall health will have an important impact on your ability to recover quickly. But there are other factors that might impact your recovery needs and those factors might not be apparent until after your surgery.

In addition to health and surgical/medical factors, your recovery needs will be impacted by the recovery resources you have available to you at home. Will you have someone at home to help you throughout your recovery? Is this person not only willing, but also capable of managing your physical needs during your recovery?

If you don’t have someone with you inside your home (or if that person is not physically capable of caring for your needs), you may want to consider a full service rehabilitation community. At Altenheim Therapy Rehab we have state of the art equipment and skilled nursing care, in addition to developing a custom care plan in consultation with your physician, we also have private suites, room service, and a private courtyard.

Do’s and Don’ts

When recovering from any surgery, but especially orthopedic surgery, it’s important to remember that you should take it slow, especially at first. Most people make the mistake of trying to do too much or they try and go back to a normal routine too quickly after surgery. This can cause severe discomfort. At worst, it could mean an injury or a setback in recovery. In the end, it only makes your recovery take that much longer.

What should you be doing as you recover from hip replacement surgery? First and foremost, actively participate in an orthopedic rehab program. Your participation will dramatically impact your results. Do the exercises and therapies as prescribed with the best equipment and skilled team available to you.

In addition to physical recovery, this is an excellent time to ensure that you get enough rest. The process of recovery is mentally and physically challenging. Remember that it’s normal to have those where it seems like its’ not worth it or where you feel like you might never recover. It happens to almost everyone who has surgery of any kind. Don’t allow yourself to become so frustrated that you do something that could potentially cause injury. It’s so important to stay motivated and on track with your recovery – and proper rest can help you stay on the right path.

Diet and Exercise

It’s vitally important that you recognize the important role of proper exercise and nutrition. This is something that you can turn into a life-long habit. If you were living a healthier lifestyle before you had surgery, you’ll likely gravitate toward that same lifestyle again. If this is something new for you, it might take you a while to find your footing.

Finding the right diet and exercise routine can be challenging at times but it’s also worth the effort. In the end, by doing this, you’re likely to feel better and have less pain. The proper nutrition can also help you heal faster, possibly shortening your stay in a skilled rehab community while you recover.

It’s understandable that you might be concerned about the need for hip replacement surgery. After all, it’s a major decision that will come with a certain amount of time spent in recovery and rehabilitation.

Even with the best of care, there is usually a lot of pain involved. In the end, gaining back the ability to do your daily activities is priceless. For most, the ability to be more active and to be pain-free is enough to make them decide to go ahead and have the surgery.

You may be worried that your active lifestyle will be forced to take a back seat because of the surgery. In most cases, it’s possible to do more things once you’ve properly healed. Perhaps you haven’t been as active as you would have liked to be throughout your life and you’re now wondering if you’ll ever get the chance to change things. The truth is, having surgery on your hip could be the very thing you need in order to kick start things and start moving more. The first step is to speak with your physician and then continue to follow orders throughout your recovery. You could end up feeling better than you’ve felt in a very long time.