Because of generous donors like you, Altenheim can continue its tradition of standing for family, providing quality care and living for residents.

Through your generous support you touch the lives of our residents.  Did you know, during the COVID-19 challenge, a gift of

$11.00 will purchase an isolation gown
$13.55 will purchase a face shield
$38 will purchase a box of surgical masks
$76.50 will purchase a box of N95 masks
$2,500 a Broda chair for the comfort of a resident that is wheel-chair bound
$1,500 a tilt-in-space wheelchair that provides position change for a resident who cannot do so independently
$1,000 a defined purpose air mattress or pressure reduction cushions for a resident that has skin issues
$750 Electrostatic Disinfectant Sprayer
$500 therapeutic adaptive devices for a resident needing help with daily living skills
$457.62 iPad to face time with family
$100 iPad accessories
sensory equipment for the multi-sensory room
$25 gift card to purchase songs for Music & Memory Library

If you would like more information, please complete this form.

These additional items may also be obtained through your gift to the Annual Appeal.

With your support this can happen!